Feuerwehr Ehrwald Manschaftsfoto Feuerwehr Ehrwald Manschaftsfoto

Volunteer Fire Brigade Ehrwald

The fire brigade was founded on 26.10.1886

On 9 September 1886, the obediently signed committee members of the association of the volunteer fire brigade of Ehrwald submitted their application for the foundation of a volunteer fire brigade.

The statutes were dated August 1886. On 4 October 1886, the municipal authorities of Ehrwald submitted the approval for the foundation of the fire brigade to the district administration, noting that the statutes submitted by the fire brigade commander Ernst Leitner had been unanimously approved at the municipal committee meeting of 3 October 1886. On October 10, 1886, district governor Wilhelm Rautenkranz submitted the petition to the governor's office with the most humble request for the high approval.
The governor's office, which came into possession of the files on 13 October, sent them back to Reutte due to the lack of stamps on the statutes, whereupon the district governor's office resubmitted the statutes duly stamped on 23 October. They arrived in Innsbruck on 24 October, whereupon the governor's office confirmed the legal existence of the fire brigade on 26 October 1886. The term of office of the committee was three years.


Freiwillige Feuerwehr Ehrwald
Björn Scherer - Obmann
Innsbruckerstraße 16
6632 Ehrwald/Tirol
Phone +43 122
Moile +43 5673 2780