Infoterminal Zugspitz Arena Bayern-Tirol | © Zugspitz Arena Bayern-Tirol


Info about the Zugspitz Arena Bavaria-Tyrol

Get information around the clock at our new info terminals

We offer you uncomplicated information about the Zugspitze from one source in the three holiday regions. To this end, we have installed several information terminals at prominent locations, one of which is on the Zugspitze, directly at the transition between the Tyrolean and Bavarian summit plateau. This makes it the highest in Bavaria and Tyrol.
With the info terminal you can now find out about live cams, ski areas, events, accommodation and much more on both sides of the Zugspitze via touchscreen.  The terminals are 75% funded by the Interreg project from the Austria-Bavaria programme. The terminals can currently be found at the tourist information offices in Ehrwald, Lermoos, Berwang, Biberwier, Bichlbach, Heiterwang, in Grainau at the lower village square and in the information hut at the Kurhaus, as well as a terminal at the entrance to the Partnachklamm gorge in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.